Saturday, October 10, 2020

Whether Calm or Storm

"There are some things you learn best in calm,
and some in storm."
Willa Cather

It would be lovely to be a monk studying in a cave or painting nature on an island.  There is much to be said about our ability to learn dependent upon our environment.  There are  diverse ways to learn and we all do not use the same tools.

Individuals depend upon varying aspects of learning such as verbal, visual, physical, mental, and social.  Our mentor or teacher plays a huge role in our learning as well. The element of time or passion plays into the equation as well.

It is most interesting to me, however, that although I love to learn in calm settings, the hardest lessons have been learned and repeated in very harsh ways.  We must diligently seek the difficult message at hand without being distracted by the emotions of ourselves or others. Lesson and motivation are key.

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