Sunday, October 18, 2020

Seek Fanciful Distractions

"One day, you will wake up and there won't be
any more time to do the things you've 
always wanted to do."
Paulo Coelho

Glancing back over the years of my life, I am amazed at the compiled adventures I have participated in alone or small groups.  Nothing in the vein of protesting, but rather all things stemming from my love of nature.  The gift of joy resonating through my heart to heal my broken places.

I found making extensive plans  got in the way or side tracked an entire event.  It seemed best to follow the heart and take advantage of what opportunities seemingly came out of no where.  When plans fall  together quickly, there is little time for fear to negate the plan.

Over time, it becomes quite clear that participation frequently depends upon mind over matter.  Not to encourage impulsive actions, but to take advantage of the veils opening and offering a vision quest.  Whether wading through a cold stream or leaning against an ancient boulder or getting lost in the flames of a fire, there is magic to be experienced.  Please, just sit in a favorite chair, gently close the eyes, and unleash the mind to seek fanciful distractions.


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