Saturday, October 17, 2020

Embers in the Heart

"Despite gravity, against gravity, in counter point to the 
weight of the world, a glowing heat that can be blocked
but not contained emanates through all beings as love, 
thought, longing, and peace."
Mark Nepo

It doesn't matter which way we turn our head, as there is something negative appearing every where.  The climate, violence, racial tensions, political dramas, and various other dark issues are repetitively splayed before us.  It would seem to be apparent then, that we turn inward to find our strength and passion to carry us forward.

It doesn't matter what we view or read, as it is not representative of everyone's stance.  We have no way of knowing if something is true or false, except when we gaze inside to find balance in the midst of turmoil. The peaceful action of prayer or reaching out in kindness helps to move us all forward in a positive way.

Singularly, we can stop the devastation in the world, but we can contribute our small acts to be joined by the small acts of others to build a positive force.  Those in high places may be able to learn or participate in major decisions, but the smaller decisions tend to be left to our compassionate hearts.  Do not simply withdraw or isolate.  Gather the embers of the passion in our heart and stoke a fire that will support our hopes and dreams and the preservation of others.

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