Saturday, October 31, 2020

American Costume of Unity


"Could America go as a united country
for Halloween this year?"
Carmine Savastano

Trick or treating as a small child and dressing my children in disguises are memories not as lively as the ones with my lady friends dressed to the hilt of witchery.  Halloween brings concerns about the weather and questioning if there is enough candy in the house for  all of the door bell ringers.

This year Halloween has been altered in ways impacting both children and adults.  It seems there is more fear in the heads of adults about reality than in the make believe images of child's play. Worrying about an overdose of sugar feels pretty mundane compared to the risk of exposing the self to the virus.

"Could America go as a united country for Halloween this year?" questions Carmine Savastano.  What a grand idea!  Could we just fake it to give our lovely selves a sense of being humanly related to each other?  We would't have to hug or sing songs, but if we stood side by side, not touching, just breathing, perhaps we could feel a sense of beginning once again on the same page!

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