Wednesday, October 14, 2020


"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled."
M Scott Peck

Human nature will not budge until we are bound too tightly physically or emotionally.  We do not strike out until we can no longer bare the situation we find our lovely selves in.  Our angst becomes fuel for the fire to project us towards movement rather than complacent stagnation.

We finally tire of being held in place, disrespected, ignored or deprived of healthy support.  The feelings of being too much or too little no longer sedate us into a lack of transition.  In spite of our self-imagined limitations, we stray out onto an unfamiliar path.  We become determined to discover what works best for us, in our personal opinion.

In 1978, M. Scott Peck authored THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED which was based on his experience as a psychiatrist and his religious beliefs.  This book was a fore runner encouraging a person to be disciplined and delay gratification, while accepting responsibility for life. In his opinion, learning to balance emotional, spiritual, and psychological health supports needed transitional movement.  This book was very pivotal in my life as it encouraged strides onto paths not commonly traveled.

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