Monday, October 19, 2020

Backslide on a Slippery Slope


"Life is ten percent what you experience and
ninety percent how you respond to it."
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

As a person extends themselves, they become aware of lessons repeating themselves.  If we catch on in time, perhaps we can side step or adjust behavior to avoid the experience of pain or challenge or sense of failure.  The patterns may change, but the basic challenge remains.

As one becomes aware of being midstream in an old pattern, if we are balanced, we can react in a positive manner.  If we, however, are caught in a moment where we feel hopeless, we may knowingly repeat the negative behavior.

We backslide down the slippery slope, not surprised, but embarrassed by the foolishness of our own deliberate choices.  We suffer the pain of our chosen actions and the desire to return to a more positive mindset of living.  When we hold our lovely selves accountable, we will choose actions assisting us forward to a more compatible state of affairs.


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