Friday, October 9, 2020

From Shame to Celebration

"The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs,
the more loving and generous we can be toward others."
Eda LeShan

In my generation, I have experienced shame of self-nurturing transition into a celebration of kindling our souls.  No longer is selfishness attached to caring for the body, mind and soul.  The results, of course are expansive.

We now know the better we take care of our lovely selves, the kinder we will treat others.  If we are in a healthy place, we will offer the same to others.  There is a tendency to feel better about the self and the beautiful world we live in.

When we embrace our self-worth and express it in our unique way, internally, our value becomes more apparent.  With the mindset of bearing gifts to others, our mindset is trained to focus on the positive which strengths our body, mind, and soul. There is a greater resistance created towards depression and isolation.

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