Sunday, October 11, 2020

All Things Being One


"Amazingly, there is great insight in children.
And great innocence."
Mark Nepo

In  THE BOOK OF AWAKENING, author Mark Nepo shares a story of his godson who was twirling and spinning in circles and exclaimed, "If you run too fast, you can't tell what is real!"  Nepo states, "We spend our lives trying to regain that treasured state, where being and doing are inseparably one."

As adults, we tend to divide our day into  several areas where we are doing, hoping to find at least one segment where we can just be.  Children, on the other hand, tend to have a better system of blending work with play.  It is an error to choose which one we feel more comfortable, while ignoring the other.  Mark Nepo encourages us "to develop a state where doing and being are inseparably one."

It is fun to explore ways to blend the energies of work and play to make our life style more fluid.  Through work we extend our energy; whereas, it is through play that we bring in fresh energy.  To create a balance between the energies will provide us with a happier life style.  If uncertain, stand and twirl in place, throwing your head back with arms stretched out.  When stopped, we experience the sense of all things being one.


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