Sunday, October 25, 2020

Experiencing the Essence

"Life is richer than we dream.
Life is eternal. Life does not die."
Our beloveds change their form."
Julia Cameron

Life after death or life prior to this incarnation are concepts that continue to be explored and expanded.  Julia Cameron, for example, believes, "Our beloveds change their form, but not their essence.  They continue to hold us dear and to touch our lives."

When we leave our lovely selves open, we may become delighted by what we see or experience.  There is a broad range of documentation regarding this subject.  Some people will catch a glimpse or image, mystical in nature, impacting every cell in the living body.  Others may hear voices or simply feel the presence of the lost loved one.  We may be visited routinely by an animal symbolizing the one who is missing.

As a human being, we have a right to freedom so if we are wanting communication with the spiritual world, we must first invite them in and welcome them.  Spiritual entities with our best interest at heart, cannot help us unless invited to do so.  Experiment with those on the other side.  Invite them into dreams, to join in a walk in his or her favorite park, or simply sit alone opening the heart and mind to what may enter.

******* Authors on Death and Dying; Life Before Life; After Life; Soul Mates
              Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Swiss-American Psychiatrist
              Helen Wambach
              Edgar Cayce
              Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.
              Dr. Brian Weiss
              Michael Newton, Ph.D.
              Jess Stearn

There are numerous writers of old and new stock that are worthy of reading.  Famous quotes of death and dying are endless.


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