Friday, October 16, 2020

Sarcasm or Kindness


"Any hand can condemn, but it takes a
helping hand to build."
Nate Spears

There is too much time being spent on judging and critiquing, as time needs to be spent on helping with change.  Our actions aught not be about pointing fingers.  Our hands need to reach out and ask how one can help.  
It is overwhelming to learn of stories of those who have very little helping those who have even less.  We all have something to give whether tangible or not.  If we truly want change, meaning a kinder world, we need to initiate a detour from the negative actions.
Instead of criticizing, we need to get out of our victim's seat and take action, no matter how small.  Stop asking, "How can I help," and start observing what needs to be done.  The unnoticed actions shift positive energy into the direction we desire to go.  Actions speak louder than sarcasm.  

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