Thursday, October 22, 2020

Engaging in Pleasure

"Too many women feel like they are unworthy of enjoying themselves.
Instead, they wait, giving themselves goals to achieve before they can
engage in something pleasurable."
Rosie Molinary

Perhaps it was the parenting style when we were children that taught us the concept of 'business before pleasure'.  In our youth, if we requested something, we were given a list of tasks to complete before an answer would be considered.  Nothing was for free, everything must be earned with hard work.

Now as adults, many women struggle with rewarding themselves.  The mind set tends to be meet the needs of the family prior to personal luxury.  This may be true if we are considering a new home or a new car, but in the normal sense, women generally are wishing for minutes alone in the tub or an earlier bed time to allow time for quiet reading.

When we come to recognize our worthiness, we see the importance of restoring our body, mind, and spirit so that we can serve from a source of wholeness.  Instead of resentment or bitterness, we experience giving with a sense of joy.  When the source is nurtured, there are deeper exchanges within the family unit.


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