Monday, October 26, 2020

Stemming from the Soul

"Knowing and owning our personal
definitions of beauty is an essential step
in celebrating one's own brilliance."
Rosie Molinary

While attending a private college prep academy, I was exposed to wealthier life styles unfamiliar to my family.  There were beautiful homes, beautiful people, beautiful clothes, beautiful vacation homes, beautiful jewelry, etc...  After a while, my sense of beautiful began to be created in very different ways.

My appreciation for nature drew my attention to the beauty of swaying trees, blooming flowers and moving water.  The animation found especially in the faces of little children became beautiful as well. The depth of the written word broadened my concept of a deeper love as did the opening of the hearts of people I chose to love.

As the pace of my life slows down, my attention lingers longer on certain things of beauty ... the dark sky with brilliant stars and the passing of the moon.  Most importantly, however, I find beauty in the radiance of light brimming from the depths of human eyes.  Nothing brings me more joy than witnessing this inner beauty stemming from the soul.


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