Friday, October 30, 2020

Projecting an Image


"Food really is medicine, and your body
responds with energy and vitality
when you treat it well.
Rosie Molinary

With Halloween quickly approaching, there is an abundance of candy streaming into the possession of both young and adult.  Sugar can be highly addictive so in spite of our personal goals, chances are good that we will over extend what we intended to consume.  There are those who will respond with hyper activity, bouncing off the walls in response to the sugar while others blood sugar drops bringing sadness, sleep, and digestive problems.  

We monitor our body, mind and soul, but we must in addition secure time for physical exercise, rest and nurturing.  The body is a well run machine if we deliberately respond to maintenance.  We are responsible for the process of feeding, digesting, and processing, both physically and emotionally.

There is a direct correlation between what we eat, physical up keep, and the state of our mind.  Each impacts the other, so we must hold our lovely selves accountable for the overall quality of life.  Our energy is best used in fine tuning our bodies, rather than desperately attempting to project a certain image.

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