Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Discovery of Windows

"I discovered windows one afternoon, 
and after that,
nothing was ever the same."
Anne Spollen

Childhood was spent in a Chicago apartment building on the near north side. The large flat offered many windows which I took for granted, but deeply appreciated.  It was fun to peer down upon a pedestrian walking by and silently observe them, as I ran from one window to the next.  I admit to being an intent observer of unknowing humans.

My open bedroom window brought in the fragrances of the lilac bushes growing just the other side of the screen. In the distance I could see the night lights from Thillens Little League Baseball Park and hear the roar of the fans.

The small nine window panes patterned in the top of the back door often exposed a darkness or gloom of undetected motion  I would feel a cold  draft  as I pushed my young body against the door.  Placing my face against the glass, I detected a warmth from the window as though it were present just for me.  In my heart I knew that God simply designed angels to shape shift to safely release the loneliness of a child.

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