Saturday, October 3, 2020

Treasures Within ...

"Shine your light into the darkness and
you'll find lost treasure."
Dee Waldeck

We all harbor creativity, but not every ship sails.  There are some who remain docked, never to experience the freedom of the sea, while others may run ashore, devastated by unsuspecting blow hards.  The truly sad vessels have never been able to display creative expression as it remains stowed beneath a seat unprotected from rain, wind and sorrow.

Within the core of our being, not only do we develop self-concepts, but our worth as well.  Once created, we must continuously feed our lovely selves with affirmations and diligence to continue forward.   We have the right to respect what we produce, even if we must hold it close to our vest.

The artist within must seek the means to express what dwells in his or her heart, mind, and spirit.  The evolving process helps to shape us into who we were always meant to be.  The end result is similar to a treasure map of the life we have seen.

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