Friday, November 14, 2014

Vulnerable Listener

"Modesty, or humbleness, is the opposite of armoring ourselves;
it allows us to be receptive and hear what others have to say."

Pema Chodron

Vulnerability can be an uncomfortable state, as we do not have something to hide behind, like a false image or an aggressive personality.  We may feel too exposed.  It is a temptation to wear a suit of armor as protection without understanding the armor will keep kindness out as well.

While we engage with others, if we keep the focus on the other person, all we need to do is listen.  We can truly hear what is on the minds of others without feeling the need to supply answers.  We can create the time spent as a way of serving, as many people do not have someone to talk to during the course of their day.  Most individuals desire a sounding board, to hear themselves think out loud, and formulate their own decisions.

If we do not set ourselves up by dominating a conversation or by trying to resolve a situation,  and just compassionately listen, we can just be ourselves with ego tuned way down.  Part of being humble is to set ourselves aside when a friend needs our attention.  When we are no longer anticipating what to say next in the conversation, we can be touched by the situation and the challenge facing the other.

There is much to be gained in any conversation if we but listen.  If we eliminate distractions like hiding or thinking of something smart to say, we can feel the full weight of the present moment.  We can remember every person we come in contact, has a message for us.  If we are not being receptive, we will miss what we need to hear.

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