Monday, November 17, 2014

Stories In All Art Forms

I try to write books I would love to come upon that are
honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual
transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness -
and that can make me laugh.

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott is a very direct and articulate speaker and writer.  If you are not familiar with her, do yourself a favor and look her up.  She has a definite perspective on life and she willingly shares it through her life experiences.  You may not always agree with her opinions, but her words stimulate the mind and trigger introspection.

You have a story to tell whether it is to the world or to a listening child.  It is not important for you to decide whether or not to share, as you are all called to tell your story no matter how great or small.  You may think you are insignificant or unworthy, but you are very wrong.  

Sharing a story does not require mastering the English language or perfecting a writing style.  Some of you sketch, paint, or play a musical instrument to express your hidden reveries.  How you tell your story is of lesser importance than the story itself.  

Giving testimony to your experiences not only validates your personal truth, but it also becomes wisdom for others to apply to their own lives.  It is not your responsibility to calculate the importance of what you express nor is it appropriate to decipher how great an audience you need.  

You are nudged to tell your story and the story will unfold itself.  Whether choosing to publish, sell, and distribute your work, the emphasis remains on sharing the story on any scale.  You may share part of your history with a stranger while sitting in an airport or doctor's office; you may contain it in your journal; maybe you will submit it as an article; or carefully place your words to music or paint.  

A story takes on a life of its own and you may never know how many eyes will fall upon it.  Your motivation in expression is not for popularity.  Stories are difficult, filled with trial and error; loss and abundance; and death and rebirth.  Tell your story in the best way you can, then let it go.

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