Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tempered By The Heart

"There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
'I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.'
No teacher, preacher or parent,
friend or wise man can decide.
What's right for you,
just listen to
The voice that speaks inside."

Shell Silverstein

Our inner voice is often times our ego, making decisions based on judgment.  It is best to combine our mind with our heart which results in compassion.  Perhaps the best question is not, "What is best for me," but "What is the bigger picture?"  

In the morning we cleanse our body, choose clothes, fill our mouth, grab a briefcase, and fly out the door.  The body is prepared, but what of the spirit?  Our lives would flow more smoothly if we took a few moments to quickly ask the Divine to help us listen for daily messages, to recognize opportunities, and to be willing to serve. There is just as much need to prepare our spiritual awareness for the day as much as we prepare our physical appearance.  

We need the inner voice and it is important, but it is even more highly valued when tempered by the heart.  Our intention to be vigilant in our awareness every day enhances our life experience.  The choices in life are similar to the choices when reading a book:  skim over the entire book; pick out specific topics; jump over chapters; speed to the end.  Our behaviors create the depth of our understanding.  If we move through life exposing ourselves to the entire experience, we will be blessed with a deeper sense of all human beings. If we navigate through life listening to one self-serving voice, we will have missed endless opportunities to live life fully..                                                                                               

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