Monday, November 10, 2014

Feathers Above

"It's all a matter of paying attention,
being awake in the present moment,
and not expecting a huge payoff.
The magic in this world seems to work
in whispers and small kindnesses."

Charles de Lint

Such a beautiful fall day!  Mid-sixties, sunshine, and not one cloud in the sky.  It is a wonderful time to be outdoors, so I am wandering in the yard already missing the containers of summer flowers.  Instinctively, I look up to the beautiful blue sky and much to my surprise, I see a hawk in flight.  It is gliding in the air with delicate movement.

Excited to see this hawk, I bend to my favorite companion, Bella, and say, "Look up girl! Can you see the hawk?"  As I gaze back up to this wondrous event, I find not only one hawk, but two flying together.   "Amazing," I say to Bella.  Wanting to capture this moment for peace and calm, I return my focus to the beauty above. Now there are three hawks, gliding in a circle.

In this moment, I am with them circling above, gliding in stillness, and seeing forever.  Weightless, I fly in the beams of the sun absorbing the heat, yet feel the gentle breeze slightly ruffle my feathers.  This shape shifting has taken only a moment out of my worldly time, and yet somehow I know my feathers have taken flight in a larger space without the marking of time.

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