Sunday, November 23, 2014

Awareness of Progression

"We need to take the time to acknowledge where we've 
come from.  We don't celebrate our own accomplishments."

Panache Desai

We need to measure how far we have come.  It is necessary to create a pause where we can appreciate our hard work.  We may believe our progress has been painfully slow, but when we look through a wider lens, we may be surprised of how much we have actually accomplished.

There are no dead lines on making transitions.  They may occur instantaneously, or build for months, or take a life time to understand, so it is important to recognize whatever forward action we have completed.

All things need to be considered:  Am I kinder to myself?  Do I embrace others without judgement?  Have I discovered what my personal or professional needs are?  How many ways have I discovered to express my creativity?  In what ways do I celebrate my lovely self?  

To have an awareness of these questions helps us adjust our automatic reactions.  Even if we are not thoroughly successful, these questions can keep us from getting stuck.  The ability to keep moving forward ... without destinations ... without answers ... without labels ... will move us along in the direction we need to go.  Divine Spirit guides us, just not in our space and time.  Be nice to you by celebrating every small step you take, and not just the monumental ones!

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