Saturday, November 8, 2014

Path to Fulfillment

"It takes courage 
to keep walking
when the path is obscured
by confusion."

Sue Krebs

Internal combustion has finally blown self-imposed barriers down.  Limitations are gone and the sky is the limit.  Safety nets have been disengaged, and once again empowerment fills the body, mind and soul.  Straggling thoughts join together to form a colorful outline to lead to the manifestation of authentic creation.

We lull ourselves into the belief we are being the best we can, while unidentified yearnings pull on our heart strings.  Our minimized creativity, currently keeps us safe and small.  It is just enough to temper our longings and appease our critical peers.

Well no more, dear ones.  Today we gather our courage and bust out of our constricted jail.  We gather our seemingly unrelated thoughts and douse them with our passion.  We link idea to idea, allowing support to guide us whether it is God, The Universe, Goddess, or Angels in the sky.  

It is time to illustrate our best and stop thinking small.  No more waiting for the perfect moment, the right place, or the blockbuster idea.  We internally hold all that we need to deliver the gift bursting within us.  

What we do with our passion is the display of appreciation for our talents.  Our product is not the answer, but the process is the reward.  We allow our authenticity to be reflected into the world which requires bravery and courage. 

Commit to the process of manifesting, ask for guidance, and turn down the volume of inner chatter and outer critics.  Place one foot in front of the other and be led down a personal path of fulfillment. 

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