Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Safely Leaving Safety

"I crawled from under a shell of security.
I drew comfort from the sheet of darkness
pierced with holes which allowed light
to fall on my silvery trail.
The light I called stars.
The trail I called hope.
And when I found my feet
I called into the ether
'I am awake, I am here.'"

Collette OMahony

Life gently unfolds when we keep our lovely selves safe and sheltered.  We find ourselves nestled into our comfort zone, ignoring the challenge of what life could fully be.  Our ears shut out the whisper of lure.  Our eyes blink more slowly so we can ignore opportunity.  The noses on our face are stuffed with familiar aromas while ignoring the fragrances floating in nature.  We have lost the taste for creative freedom.  Intuition is dulled by our use of medication to go faster or to sleep more soundly, avoiding the mystical messages coming in dreams from far away places.

With great effort, one extends a single foot from under our warm blanket of comfort.  We then force the second foot to follow and push the remainder of our body, mind, and spirit out into the cold.  A quick shake brings our senses to clarity, as we ponder just where to begin.  In this darkness, we are called to strengthen our light in order to find our way.

Like stroking hot coals in a fire, our desires are rekindled and our creative flames begin to sway.  We begin to see farther into the mystery of life and somehow gather courage to face new challenge.  It takes bravery to walk out of security and into the darkness, especially when we believe we are  content.  

Away from our life of slumber, we awaken to theories of possibilities.  Our creativity engages with our personal strengths and our minds begin to dance.  Before long, we hear music revving up our energy, and our hearts whisper a cadence leading us through limitations.  Nothing is easy as we follow this course, but the sweet smell of personal accomplishment pulls us further along.

As we experience the comforts of life, why not include adventure of the spirit and exploration of the soul!  Enhancing our selves through music, meditation, writing, painting, or walking sets our creative energies free.  We are never too old to discover a new form of play! 

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