Thursday, November 13, 2014

Noise Becomes Background

"So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
go throw your TV away,
and in its place you can install,
a lovely bookshelf on the wall."

Roald Dahl

As the seasons change, so do our behaviors.  The temperatures drop and darkness appears earlier, and we leave our porches and gardens for the comforts of our home.  Too often, however, we automatically turn on the television whether we remain in the room or not.  The noise becomes our background rather than choosing silence as our comfort.  

There are other choices to be made if we would just think and follow through.  We can consider: curling up in a comfortable chair with something warm to sip and a good book to read; clearing the dining room table and working a jigsaw puzzle; turning on favorite music; or gathering a journal, pen, and candle to simply doodle or express our inner feelings.  As we read, journal, puzzle or listen to music, we become aware of our feelings.  Instead of noisily shutting them out or repressing them, we allow them to be released, and let them go.  

If we end our day with a sense of solitude, the following day will be off to a better start.  We are more apt to be in the moment rather than be bogged down with the accumulation from previous days.  The tendency to feel separate will slowly disappear and the more comfortable we become with our self, the kinder the world will seem.

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