Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dark Night of the Soul

"I have loved the stars too fondly
to be fearful of the night."

Sarah Williams

There are pockets of time when we feel totally disconnected and it seems everything we hold dear evaporates.  A sense of being lost in the wilderness with no point of reference can be experienced.  These lapses in time can be last anywhere from an hour to over a year.  The Spanish Mystic, St. John of the Cross, wrote a book on this subject, the Dark Night of the Soul, in 1578 or 1579.  Carolyn Myss and other current authors have written on this subject as well.

Today, this period of darkness can be compared to a computer crashing, taking all pertinent information with it.   The loss of documentation stirs up a sense of panic, especially when we realize all else is unplugged as well.  So we become this entity without a reference point.  Our core beliefs appear to be tucked behind a foreboding veil.  Everything is just out of reach, unattainable.

During this time, we shed old beliefs, question our current values, and make room for new ones.  Without our normal sense of navigation, we find our selves wandering into dialogue, resources, and insights, we might not normally experience.  So there are pleasant moments dappled into the cloak of darkness.  Tears cleanse us, pot holes isolate us, and our internal screen begins to capture glimpses of magnificence.  A new communication is established with the Divine and within our soul.  Without our pride we become the learner.  The lack of treasured knowledge opens the mind to new information.  The clarification of sacred core beliefs allows our inner light to once again shine.  As our flame grows, it once again begins to dance and we soon discover we have safely returned to the path of authentic destination.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a sacred experience remembered through out life.  Although not a pleasant emotional adventure,  we can be comforted as we wander in darkness, if we remember to look at the sky for sparkling stars.  These slivers of light  reflect the presence of love, encouragement, and eventually safe journey.

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