Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hugs for Healing

"We need 4 hugs a day for survival.
We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.
We need 12 hugs a day for growth."

Virginia Satir

Our society is very mobile with neighborhoods, churches, and communities constantly changing.
Life can be very challenging for everyone especially in the sense of belonging.  There are situations we face, not knowing what words of comfort might be best spoken.  We experience the desire to help, but phrases of encouragement sound hollow and insincere.  This is a time we can rely on universal communication, the hug.  

Children hug each other freely and instantly.  Our elders reach out with hugs instantaneously.  No words need to be offered, just the hug.  While we embrace another in our arms, the feeling of human contact and connection to one other can prevent an array of poor choices.  

To be held offers the opportunity to briefly let go all that weighs us down.  There is safety in a person's embrace that allows a person to feel unconditionally accepted, no matter how brief the experience.  Hugs quite simply can be healing.

It is heart warming to watch two people come together who have not seen each other in a long time.  They cling to one and other as if everything that has happened during the absence is being downloaded.  Raw emotion is transferred with plenty of tears, but very few words.

We all need hugs and each of us can afford to be more generous with them.  If there is no one in your life to reciprocate, acquire a pet.  They make us feel needed and pull our heavy thoughts outside of ourselves.  We can talk to them and unleash pent up feelings.  Caressing a pet builds connection and the additional presence eliminates the  over powering feeling of being alone.

If investing in a pet is too costly or high maintenance, become a volunteer.  By giving attention to the housebound, or those in elder care, we will receive the gift of their presence in our own lives.  Perhaps a neighbor or a neighbor's child can be the recipient of your hugs, and surely we will receive one in return! 

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