Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Right Destination

"One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
One can collect only a few, and they are more
beautiful if they are few."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

There are many opportunities in life, but we must discern which are in our best interest.  In order to choose wisely, it is important to be in touch with our heart's desire, passion, and spiritual guidance.  It is very helpful to be aware of our unique gifts so they may blend into our life's work.  Intellectually, we may be very strong in mathematics, but our spirit may be more artistically drawn.  

When we are in alignment with body, mind, and soul, we will love our work even if it is challenging, uncompromising, or unrecognized.  The reward is not necessarily in accordance with family, friends, and society, but it is found through our passion, joy, and sharing.  When we bring our exuberance into our whole life, those surrounding us benefit as well.  They learn through our example, become inspired to follow their own journey, and understand the importance of pulling all of our parts together.

This task is not an easy one.  At times we may have to work an odd job just to keep money in our pockets for bills, and utilize our talents part time.  Whether carpenter, dancer, painter, or entrepreneur, the path can be long and winding. As long as we remain focused, and  keep our vision alive and colorful, our baby steps will assist us in arriving at the right destination.

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