Saturday, November 22, 2014

Garden of Grace

"The best support for a woman is another woman. The enemy of a woman is another woman when she does not know the value of Sisterhood."

 ~ Sobonfu Some

 Art: "Moonlit Walk" by Lucy Calhoun

                         Art: "Moonlit Walk" by Lucy Calhoun

"The best support for a woman is another woman.  
The enemy of a woman is another woman 
when she does not know the value of Sisterhood.   

Sobonfu Some

Unlike the unrecognized women throughout history, our culture now offers many female role models. Relationship is the key experience for learning, and cultivating a supportive sisterhood is vital.  Healthy relationships with women can advance our personal and professional growth in highly creative ways.  

Granted, women can be just as destructive as men when they are caught in competitive and greedy cycles with negative intentions.  If we remain focused with integrity and respect for others, women become monumental stepping stones for each other.

When we develop a strong sense of worth and it is validated by kindred spirits, we are less apt to judge and more inclined to assist with the passage of others.  When we extend our hand with sincerity  to a sister, we not only help her, but the collective as well.  We become role models for each other and increase the pace for prosperity.  It is in the helping of others, advancement propels. 

We need to use our voices to validate all females surrounding us.  We must encourage them and praise them so they may unfold in a gentle way.  Be the rich soil for them to grow.  Be the warm sun to shine a light for them to see.  Share their tears as an act of cleansing.  When we nurture each other as flowers in a garden, we blossom creating a garden of grace and strength.

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