Friday, November 7, 2014

Many Ways To Wander

"Not all those who wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkien

There are so many ways to wander whether it is inside of our lovely selves or outside.  Every pathway leads us 
to new insights, but they are often accompanied by challenge.  We can take off on a well planned adventure seeking 
new horizons only to find a lesson we had been avoiding, disguised in the new scenario.  Repeated lessons, even 
when we believe we had mastered them, are deliberately painted into both interior and exterior landscapes.

When people wander, whether deliberately or hopelessly, a learning experience is being created. An incident may 
seem mindless, and yet with the passing of time, the true nature of the event surfaces.  When we are focused, 
searching for a particular thing, we may be anxious, frustrated, and pressured.  At other times, we may simply be 
observing our surroundings, relaxed, open, and calm.  Both are opportunities for growth.  In fact, what we learn 
in formal education serves us best when combined with personal wanderings.

If we are seeking particular information, we can float the request out into the universe or through prayer.  Then 
we remain aware and expectant whether we deliberately seek or randomly wander.  What we desire to learn does
not always come to us in anticipated fashion.  It may show up in a book, an overheard conversation, or in an 
unexpected communication.  

So whether we feel lost or focused, wandering offers opportunities.  The importance is to be open minded for
the arrival of what we most need.  Gifts do no always arrive perfectly wrapped!

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