Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Acceptance and Safety

"It was what I was born for ...
to look, to listen, to lose myself
inside this soft world ...
to instruct myself
over and over ..."

Mary Oliver

The world seems to be climaxing through its obsession with greed, fear, power, materialism, and recognition without permanently feeling acceptance and safety.  Competition hopefully with be replaced by love and respect for each human being living on this earth.  We are all messengers to each other and if our extended information is of hate, fear, and disrespect, that is exactly what we will receive in return.  If we are consciously loving and kind to all peoples, the energy of loving kindness returns to us.  

We can be open and willing to speak our truth which aligns our energy, and brings peace and calm to our living experience.  Each of us hear our truth in our own way, perhaps, not always liking it, but learning from it.  When we release our addictions to beauty, wealth, and some level of fame, we become more aware of the beauty residing within all of us.  

Our focus turns to highlighting our authentic selves and the talents we can offer to the world.  Air brushing, cosmetic surgery, and dwelling in castles no longer hold charm.  Concentration is on using our skills to the best ability we can and if that brings us to high places we do not forget those still struggling.  We extend helping hands to everyone to share in life's experience rather than distancing ourselves and repressing others.

These ideas reside in our minds, but regrettably our noisy and competitive world drowns out our messages. It is difficult to remain on course, but indeed, it is what we are here to do.  We must remind ourselves constantly ... to look, to listen, and to lose ourselves inside the softer parts of life.  When we remember to love and respect our lovely selves, we will feel accepted and safe.

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