To be a warrior one does not need to be masculine. A warrior does not have to be physically bulked up with rippling muscles. There is a warrior who protects or defends family, children, or belief systems through meditation, energy work, life style or debates. Whether masculine or feminine, there are warriors who are teachers, police, nurses, social workers and fireman.
There is a woman down on the beach sitting in a meditation pose. In her mind she is holding whatever is sacred to her and perhaps by her very presence spreading peace. At the neighboring beach, a woman is doing yoga with grace and perfection. Observing her as she ends her workout, her hands are held in a prayerful position with freedom to be her true self. A smaller woman carrying hand weights purposefully walks down the shore with steps that are brisk and steady. Her will power surely spills over into other parts of her life, perhaps giving her the edge she may need. All of these women could be entitled warriors as their dedication, respect for discipline, and being present in nature, reflect aspects of a warrior.
Unfortunately, some of us have had to be a physical warrior protecting self, children, community, or nation. We have all encountered battles whether great or small as it is part of the life experience. Life challenges us at certain times to stand up and be accountable. It is at this point that we decide what kind of warrior we will be.
I have never been a physical warrior, but I have attacked with words. ("The pen is mightier than the sword.") There have been times, as a warrior, I have fanned the little flame within me in desperation to keep it alive. When my inner light grew into a roaring fire, I helped women from many diverse backgrounds learn to make choices and to embrace personal power. When my fire channeled passion, it overflowed like red hot lava into presentations on the need to use voice, to be articulate and to become all you ever wanted to be.
When we learn to use our voice, to project to the outside what we think and feel on the inside, we are being warriors. Standing present in your own life, no longer cowering, no longer being afraid, you become a warrior. When you have found this peace, you begin to exist in a pregnant silence. It is in this stillness that you gather wisdom.
The art of dismantling the "old self" leads us to become a Spiritual Warrior as the core of who we really are is spirit. We practice loving kindness and our life begins to shift. Instead of being led by fear, we lead with passion becoming authentically present in our own life. As a Spiritual Warrior, life begins to unfold in a very different way.
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