Monday, February 28, 2011

The Last Sunset

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While multiple feelings course through me, I am watching my last sunset on Maui. It is difficult to believe that I have been here for a month and tomorrow I will leave. I dread the long flights and the lay overs, but primarily the four hour time change will bother me the most.

I sit here on my bed, my 'perch' in this glamorous 'tree house', facing the ocean and listening to the waves. I wonder how I will sleep at home in the stillness of the house. What will take the place of the excitement of sighting whales or turtles? Where will I hear the sound of other languages spoken with such beautiful accents and cadences so unlike my own?

In the last four weeks, I have been surrounded by the artistic flair of nature. The ocean, mountains, islands, and brilliant sunshine have greeted me every single day. The gentle breezes always cushioned the radiant beams of the sun. The overwhelming sense of peace on this lovely island captivated my heart and isn't willing to let me go.

Every day was an "Aloha" day, meeting strangers who soon unfolded into kindred spirits. The synchronicity of events were not really surprising, but more validating or enlightening. There were so many opportunities to share loving kindness, whether exchanges were acknowledged or not. It was inspiring to be in the midst of caring human beings.

Inspiration was plentiful, increasing my enthusiasm to share my stay on this island. Discipline was never an issue as creativity drenched my thirsty desire to put pen to page. A plethora of photos were wonderful assistants in reflecting what I might not say.

Stripped away of all concerns and worry, I lived in a spiritual suspension feeling a oneness with every one and every thing. My senses heightened as I viewed all of life through intuition and an open heart.

Going home, I will be stepping into my physical suit again and I am concerned that my rose colored glasses will not work in the land of ice and snow. I do not want to leave all of this loveliness behind me, forgetting the gift that it has been. I will endeavor to share my strengthened light, and remember to stay aware in witness to the miracles of my life.

The sun has set and darkness now fills the sky. Soon there will be beams streaming from the moon and stars will be hanging in the sky; but helium seems to be leaking from my balloon.

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