Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MAHALO, My Life Suit Has Been Left At Home


When entering new situations, it is tempting to wear a mask, have a label or be surrounded by friends in order to feel more comfortable or protected. It is difficult to be vulnerable and to run the risk of some sort of exposure or unexpected outcome.

Earlier in my life, I portrayed many roles to varying situations. I would perform professionally with high work ethics; embrace friends in a loving way with intense loyalties; raise my children openly with all I had to give; and maintained a very private belief system. It took years for me to develop the courage to reflect my inner self in every situation, to project all parts of myself as one, and to really like who I had risked to become.

There is a saying that the only constant in life is change. It is my desire to experience personal growth or change, until my last breath even though I rarely transition smoothly. Coming to Maui almost two weeks ago, I was seeking solitude, insights, and sunshine all changes from the land of ice and snow. I anticipated an altered environment, but spiritually I was unprepared for nature's assault on my soul.

I am uncertain how this has happened, but I have become aware that my life suit was left at home! By life suit, I mean all of the things that identify me. I have been defrocked of all associations that normally define me, leaving me naked in the presence of beauty. I have been impaled by the natural energies of this island causing me to drop all pretense, and to respond only in loving kindness. For this I say "Mahalo" which is Hawaiian for thank you.

In this place of enchantment, it is as though attachments, worries, and conflicts have been left neatly tucked into my pockets of the suit left behind. I do not seem to be operating from the entrapments of ego, but rather from soul. I see only beauty and beauty greets me. My soul responds to the whales, the waves, the flowers, the mountains, and the breezes by parting the veil to allow the melding of all that is.

Might you understand if I say all of my regular senses have been bolstered to a higher awareness while my third eye chakra joins my heart chakra, together giving me a new way to see? It is uncomfortable to be this direct and to feel so vulnerable, but this is what I am called to share for the benefit of both you and me.

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