Kaukini Artists Gallery
There are two men from Lahaina challenging my thoughts about life and contentment.
The first man appeared to be down on his luck, riding a rusty old bicycle. His long gray hair was greasy looking, pulled back into a pony tail. The stained t-shirt was well worn around the neck and his aged shorts were threadbare. His body was leathery tan with half-broken sandals attached to his feet. He didn't seem to be aware of his environment although he was constantly talking to his beautiful parrot riding on the handlebars of his bike. He seemed content.
The second very tanned man also had unusually long gray hair, but his was clean and protected from the sun by a very Hawaiian looking scarf. He, too, wore a faded t-shirt but it seemed to be a chosen favorite just like his comfy torn khaki shorts. He was polished in his appearance as he rode his well kept bike down the street, greeting shop owners or acquaintances along the way. He appeared to be comfortable.
These two Hawaiian men were about the same age, close to the same build, and shared various similarities as well as dissimilar characteristics. I envisioned one to be at best a handyman of some sort while I mused about the other being a musician or artist or chef. Either way, both men had a place in this community.
I observed both of them on different trips to Lahaina which is an oddity in itself. The streets are packed with tourists especially when a Princess Cruise Ship happens to be in. Why did these two men attract my attention, especially when I never saw them together or in the same area? I began to work the pieces of this puzzle around in my mind. I watched for a picture to form. Which man was happier? Who had the strongest sense of purpose in life? Did either have family? The working of the puzzle was labor some, but I really wanted to find meaning in these encounters.
Sitting on the lanai this morning, watching the whales play and listening to little children squeal in delight while jumping into waves, understanding finally dawned. There is no importance for me to determine who, what, where or why. All along my response could have been to just thank them for being part of my experience and to send them love, energy, and light. To appreciate their 'being' just as much as the whales, flowers, and ocean!
Each one of us determines our own sense of happiness and to speculate into the lives of others is purely judgmental. Although I felt a strong curiosity about both of these men, I never felt any negativity. I am a life time dedicated people watcher and by observing behaviors I learn a great deal, believing that every one on my path has a message for me. So my observations were innocent, but my speculations wasted energy.
Most generally, I send energy to everyone who passes my view or comes to my mind. Daily I extend love, energy and light. These two Hawaiian men have prompted me to also include well wishes. If they appear before me, as I hope they do, I am going to once again send them energy, but also mentally project: Be safe! Discover a sense of love today! Give loving kindness to others! Thank you for being! For this is truly how I want to navigate through life, extending love to all others.
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