Friday, February 4, 2011

Maui Rock Formations

Mid-morning, Rustic and I set out for the General Store in Kapalua. This establishment has everything a spontaneous and elaborate picnic would need. With smiles on our faces we headed out of town. We traveled the two lane back road high up into the mountains. There are many little bridges along the way, and I do mean little. If you meet an on coming vehicle, one of the cars has to pull over as only one car can cross the bridge at a time. The mountainside is breath taking. Wild flowers, steep cliffs, lush valleys and ocean views are outstanding. The driver only gets to peek even though the speed limit is 10 to 15 mph as the narrow road is so winding and twisted.

We were headed for one of my favorite destinations from four years ago... rocks stacked in formations. After a lengthy drive we found this special ground. We parked the car and toted our picnic goodies, lawn chairs, and camera to a our very special space and settled in for a few hours of just 'being'.

We innocently came across this stretch of road during our last visit. (I was astounded as I had only seen rock groupings one other time and that was in Sedona, AZ at the feminine vortex.) With the ocean as a back drop and the lava rocks contrasting, tiny yellow and red wild flowers push up through the rocks with patches of grass here and there. The waves splash against the rocks, and the breeze cools the skin while sitting in the sun.

I cannot explain my obsession with rocks. Even in childhood, I treasured all sizes and shapes not easily found in a city. I have gathered rocks for years, choosing those that seemed to resonate in the palm of my hand. Generally, I bring them home and place them at the base of my 4'8" statue of the Greek goddess Hebe residing in the perennial garden in our back yard.

Individuals gather stones or rocks and stack them one on top of the other reaching for the sky. I am not certain, but I believe it is symbolic for marking your presence on earth both honoring mother earth and the divine above. Viewing all of these deliberately created formations gives testimony to all unknown visiting kindred spirits that we are all one and that this is sacred ground.

Last time Rustic and I built a formation together feeling as though it were a special ritual. Today that formation is long gone, but newer ones have been formed and they stretch for perhaps a mile down the coast. Fire rings have been formed by larger boulders and the remains of well built fires are within.

We sit in silence. I journal and sketch while watching the whales in the distance. I wander around with my camera trying to sense the meaning of this place that has surely been embraced by earth and rock alike. I sit quietly, stretching my ears to hear the songs that may have been offered under some star filled night. I close my eyes and listen for the foot falls that sacred dance would have left behind. Who has been here and why? No answers to my questions come, but a single white bird attracts my attention as it lazily soars in the sky.

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