Sunday, June 9, 2024

Random Parts Coming Together

"Everything is happening for us, not to us."
Byron Katie

Step out of the role of victim and hold the self accountable for whatever part you played. Knowing that the only person you can change is the self, efforts need to focus on how you can adjust thoughts, behaviors, or relationships. Even when things are out of your control, there remains a small element that you can choose to adjust.

When you are confronted by difficult or challenging events, you must listen to understand what life is trying to teach you. Observe the entire scenario rather than narrowing it down. See how the random parts can come together. The mantra becomes, "what am I to learn?" If you fail to shift perspectives, challenges will repeated until you finally see the point.

Hold your mind open to determine what pattern is being shown to you. Is this a familiar happening repeated throughout your life? Patterns continue to cycle in and out until you finally catch on. If you don't change, the elements of the event will continue to reoccur. With tender loving care, allow life to show you what you need. 


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