Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cicadas Are Coming!

"A negative mind will never allow you to have a positive life."
How To Think Positive

In college, I took a journalism class which explained how negative news received much more attention than positive. Writing a report for a good grade in the class, I would recognize fearful subjects, but would try to balance it with something good. Frequently, I would be encouraged to use more fearful words to gain better attention.

There has been extreme hoopla about the cicadas coming equivalent to biblical plagues. Dreams have been flooded with fear of this manifestation of bugs. Then there are political horror themes creating thoughts of doom, to say nothing of climate change triggering catastrophes. Yes, fear certainly abounds, especially through the media.

Being bombarded by negative reports, we must choose to see the positive. Communities are raising gardens to feed neighbors. Seniors are volunteering at shelters to walk and nurture abandoned animals. Musicians such as Bon Jovi, Keanu Reeves and Taylor Smith are contributing on great scales to improve the lives of others. See the good in our world. 

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