Tuesday, June 18, 2024


"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels 
the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
Winston Churchill

The opportunity to break down old beliefs is clearly here! No longer do we  passively allow our selves to be spoon fed outdated or falsified rhetoric. In a mirror, we catch a glimpse of a confident and unlimited human on the cusp of greatness. It is in the now that we pick up the reins and drive our intentions to a bold and thriving reality.

The challenges that present before us reflect lessons that are needed to create a greater sense of purposeful living. We are connected to everyone and we do not have to view diverse peoples as right or wrong. As we cease to be threatened by others, we increase our ability to listen to our inner voice and create accordingly.

In stillness, we glance around to what we have created. Are our surroundings orderly and reflect our true spirit? Do we have scattered collections of trivial meaning or does our space harbor treasures of the heart? If we take back our power, choosing options that align with our spirit, life becomes peachy! 


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