Friday, June 21, 2024

Full Moon Cycle

"Your heart understands what your mind can't grasp."
Judith Corvin Blackburn

Another Full Moon rattling our emotions and shifting security. Out of nowhere, it seems, we are thrown off base and find our lovely selves confused. Disruption and discord prevail and all of our well intended plans are cast aside. What we think becomes secondary to what we are feeling as our cages get rattled.

The intention of the moon is to shine light into our darkness. It is once again exposing our hidden fears and stagnant stances. The Moon desires us to wake up and shine brightly, attracting the goodness we deserve. In spite of its dark side, the Moon buoyantly floats across the sky, preparing for a new cycle.

Under the moon, we are all equal looking up at the stars who seem to be promising good things forthcoming. The Full Moon is ending a cycle and preparing to move through yet another. And this is true for us. Everything unsettled surfaces and we have the opportunity to come out of the darkness and shine in the light. 


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