Thursday, June 6, 2024

Facing Fire

"The difference between a good life and a bad life is
how well you walk through the fire."
C.G. Jung

It is inevitable that we will face brutal times whether it be a loss, trauma, pressure or ailment. The reality of the heat will not be ignored. Temps will flare until we acknowledge the presence of what waits uncontrollably before us. As we bravely face truth, we unfortunately may experience a great deal of fear.

If we can begin when a sense of balance and a calming of the mind, pitfalls can be minimized.  When we fail to face reality, things can unnecessarily spiral out of control. In choosing avoidance or denial, coals will burn hotter. If we believe the Universe will magically intervene, flames grow stronger. Positive action must be taken as soon as possible.

Use personal power to seek a professional for guidance whether it is a therapist, lawyer or doctor. If feelings of helplessness overwhelm, reach out for help without any sense of shame. Gather courage, knowing that in time, healthy balance will return. Begin to pick up the shattered pieces and reframe life believing, this too shall pass.


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