Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mind Reader

"No one is born a mind reader. 
Make efforts. Explain."
Jen Cillian-Nemeth

Confusion muddles with the mind. Not understanding, we begin to project numerous scenarios and none of them may be accurate. If we do not understand, ask questions and truly listen to what is shared. What we hear may not be aligned with our experience, but we must begin by opening both the heart and the mind to other's perceptions.

It is helpful if we are told what exactly is wrong. We might ask what we did or said to find equal footing. It is imperative to have the ability to stand in the shoes of others to determine what is at the heart of the conflict. If we remain silent, irritation builds and we end up further away from each other.

When we fail to articulate what is in our heart, we have no right to be angry at others for not understanding.  We must express what is at the heart of the matter or else all is going to fail. Listen closely and ask for other examples until we can grasp what needs correction. We all need to be heard whether or not others agree.


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