Wednesday, June 26, 2024


"You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
James Lane Allen

We are now able to reach beyond limitations that have been holding us small. No longer do we need a man to be an intermediate between ourselves and the Divine or medical solutions or career paths. We now have the desire to step through others expectations and use tools of intuition and prophecy, to create an authentic course.

Exceptional people have been driven by a seed of vision through tumultuous times, overcoming obstacles. As we monitor our dreams, we receive snippets of possibilities almost as a tease to our future. When we embrace future positive images, they will light our way to where our path begins to unfold.

If we foolishly focus on the criticism of others, and accept ill treatment, we will not prosper. However, if we hold tightly to a future image of our self, like attracts like. Remaining focused, personal prophecy prevails. If we choose negative  limitations, they will taint our future.. If we trust in the goodness radiating at our core, we will thrive.


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