Saturday, June 22, 2024

Center Stage

"Lots and lots of things scare me 
but you just get on with it."
Dame Judith Dench 

Think of your life as being a stage where you play numerous roles switching back and forth between characters. Perhaps your strongest self stands in the forefront, center stage, while your weakest self loiters toward the back of the stage. Notice if you are using an authentic voice or if you are reciting a well written script.

On our personal stage are we simply performing memorized words or are we articulating themes we honestly care about? Have we outgrown the characters we play stuck in automatic pilot? Are you waiting for the curtain to fall or can you possibly be strong enough to just walk off the stage?

It is when we remember that we are the director, creator, and actor that we can begin to write a new script. Do you even know your heart's desire? Become aware of which characters you play, need to be eliminated. Darken the lights, ignore the audience, and begin to speak your truth. In no time, you will find your lovely self dancing across the stage!


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