Monday, June 3, 2024

Master The Spiral

"The human mind always makes progress,
but it is a progress in spirals."
Madame de Stael

When we spiral upwards, joy fills every cell of our being creating a sense of heavenly bliss. Filled with curiosity, we eagerly move forward as our light brightens the way. Inevitably, the opposite comes true. We eventually find ourselves sliding downwards in darkness and fear. This is the on going movement within our cycles.

The upward spiral heals and encourages us. We feel powerful with enthusiasm to take on the world. This, however, may be fleeting as we find ourselves challenged or maybe even threatened as we backslide. The importance of course is to continue moving, not ever becoming stuck and never giving up.

If we remain alert when we are in the spiral, action can drive us forward. Without wasting time wandering in the darkness, we can remember this is simply part of the process offering the opportunity to change. As we learn to shift maintaining a positive attitude, we can benefit from both the ups and the downs. A learning process, indeed.

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