Monday, June 24, 2024

Losing Control

"Yet these concerns are just part of an operating system.
They are programmed into the software of the ego with its
total fixation on keeping everything under control."
Deepak Chopra 

We cannot totally avoid chaos, but we can learn a different way to access and adapt to it. When crisis presents itself, our instinct is to hang on at all costs. Ego's evaluation is based in fear rather than open speculation. Change is an unwelcome visitor, but when we push through ego's fear, we begin to see new possibilities.

Fear is an ever present response whether we are falling into the depths of hell or ascending into heavenly bliss. The key of course is to step through the darkness into the light. Let the winds blow right through as they will uncover new options, speculations, and creative approaches to facilitate healthy growth. 

Maintaining the belief that all things happen to better us, we can align events in our life with both our inner and outer expectations. When we base choices on the needs of our internal and external worlds, experiences work in tandem. We will experience life as becoming more stable and secure. There is strength in letting go of ego and validating our true self.


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