Wednesday, June 12, 2024

On Top Of The World

"Climb it so you can see the world, 
not so the world can see you!"
David McCullough, Jr.

Being on top of the world might be a short lived experience, so it is important to enjoy each step along the way. Notice the beauty hidden along the edges and peer into the crevices for deeper understanding.  Aspiring to reach the top of the world, we will experience the slide backwards, so learn from the darkness in the shadows. 

Climbers often discuss if the challenge upwards is the most fulfilling or if  the arrival on the top is superior. It has been written that the existence on the top of the world can be extremely lonely, and dangerous.  Perhaps if we did not stand upon the world doing a victory lap while looking down upon others, it could be an entirely different journey.

What if we linked arms with others and shared diverse wisdom and insight on the way up? And how would it be if we took turns being the scout? Imagine back sliding, but feeling the strong grip of those with you. Upon reaching the top, everyone would experience joy and celebration. A strong sense of togetherness as they stood on top of the world!


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