Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hot Air

"There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky."
Erin Hanson

Imagine 'hot air' blown your way captured into a large balloon. Secured in the basket, fire is ignited and off you go. As you right yourself, the body feels the jolt of uprighting, followed by the uplift of freedom. As you look down, loud voices fade and chaos appears to be shrinking. You are able to breathe and settle into this unregulated space.

The intention is not to escape life, but to gain new perspectives. When you view situations from alternating angles, you may cease approaching conflict with a trial and error expectation. In the stillness of the breeze, you can shush the ego, and truly listen to the whisperings of the soul.

When you are elevated, things that once plagued you, may simply decrease in both volume and intensity. Options once highlighted have fizzled out and can be blown away. You can readily view the past and embrace the future. From this higher view, what is truly important begins to catch your eye and wishes begin to come true. 

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