Monday, June 17, 2024


"We are inherently social beings, and our mental health 
depends on strong and meaningful connections."
Lost Connections

Disconnection can lead to isolation and mental health issues. As we evolve, however, we are called to deliberately adjust relationships to make room for higher learning or deep dives into new perspectives. Although sad, it is true we may outgrow certain situations and it is no one's fault. It's about moving forward.

When we no longer comfortably identify with friends or co-workers, there is no reason to find fault or make excuses for lacking interest.  If we no longer feel a link, let it be a healthy sign to move into new circles for additional experiences.  Creating new bonds can be frightening, but we need to step through our fears.

When invested in new endeavors, we can experience fresh challenges accompanied by additional energy. We may discover parts to our lovely selves waiting to expand and excel. As new formations arise, we will feel like we are actually living again, not just existing in a mediocre scenario. It may be time to move forward into new beginnings.


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