Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lurking By Your SIde

"When you're a young child, you pick a totem animal, 
and you just identify with it to the point of wishing 
you were that animal."
Diane Lane

Early in my adult life, I learned that a bear was my animal totem. As a young mother, I definitely was a 'mama bear' roaring at anyone who attempted to mess with my cubs. In time, the hawk became my ever present messenger and I longed for the freedom of flight.

A totem holds special significance to those who pay attention. It can carry a physical, mental or spiritual message. It can be a warning sign or confirmation that good things are on the rise. The important piece is recognizing the repetitive appearance and being open to revelation.

Individual totems spontaneously appear such as a fox (sly) along the side of the road or a coyote (trickster) crossing your path. Maybe it is a guardian angel or a simple fragrance of a loved one who has passed or a particular song. Please be encouraged to uncover a totem that surely lurks by your side. 


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