Saturday, June 3, 2017

What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

"Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit
instead of the barrage coming from within your brain."
David Brazzeal

Puzzled by a situation, I asked Divine Spirit to supply me with insight and clarity.  Then I went about my day, not paying attention.  At some point I realized an answer had formed and then I remembered asking for help.  I never listened for the answer, so had I missed it or was this the appropriate resolution.

It saddens me to think I am never too busy to ask for help, and yet too busy to wait for an answer.  I am usually insightful about people, places, and things, so how could I have been so negligent?  Responses come in various forms:  lyrics to a song, Facebook post, wisdom from a friend or even just an obvious knowing.  

Am I seriously too busy to listen?  What could possibly be more important than listening for truth and guidance?  Ashamed, I give my lovely self a time out.  I am barely sitting upon the park bench before my mind stills and light begins to flow through my veins.  I am connected again with the Divine as the sun shines upon my face.  This peaceful warmth encompassing all of me is Divine forgiveness.

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