Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Imagination and Weapon

"The imagination is an essential tool of the mind,
a fundamental way of thinking, and indispensable
means of becoming and remaining human."  
Ursula Le Guin

'Ursula Le Guin contemplates imagination, reflecting that it should not be the means of making money, or profit-making.  Imagination is not a weapon even though it originates from it.'  The human mind houses multiple tools that can be either life enhancing or a means to death.

Our imagination can color our world to heights of unrealistic joy or depths of depression.  It is a tool capable of working for the betterment of mankind or the downfall.  Others may prey upon our creative insights, churning them into uses never intended.

Notice the scientists and inventors who learned to harness energy, but never intended to create bombs to harm others.  As human beings, we have the choice as to how we use wisdom.  Will we choose to benefit only ourselves or include the lives of others?  Will we choose to inflate our ego or reach for the hands of others?  These choices determine the actions of the world of humans.


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